What size propane tank do i need to run a 16kw generator for 5 days? - lp generator tank
GENERAC 15/16 kW aircooled .... Manual says natural gas = 173 @ half load, 245 fully loaded, and propane, nat @ half load = 1.59/59, 2.51/92 full load gas ... is the cubic meter, LP is in gallons per hour per cubic meter ... So with LPG (propane), the size of a tank (gallons) Is it necessary to run a half load for 5 days?
Lp Generator Tank What Size Propane Tank Do I Need To Run A 16kw Generator For 5 Days?
4:36 PM
They are little more than 38 liters of propane over a period of 24 hours must be at half load. Thus, for a period of 5 days, half the load you will use approximately 190 gallons. Since a capacity of 250 liters of propane tank, if they were 80% of capacity filled with 200 liters of liquid propane, liquid propane offer.
So your answer is a propane tank of 250 gallons is the size you need. We note that the storage tanks of propane ASME are designed for the water capacity in liters of water. Gallons of propane for real, you need a factor of 80% water capacity. It is simply the maximum filling capacity for propane in the tank to make room for product expansion due to temperature fluctuations.
If you can make a place for you, a tank with 500 gallons to its capacity of 400 liters of liquid propane double checked. You may even want the benefits of underground tanks checked. I had a good number of these facilities in recent years and only my personal opinion that if the investment of these funds on something, why not prepare for the worst case scenaRiver, and go with the larger tank. The gas cylinder can be configured for many years and it still burns.
Hope this helps
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