Italian Espresso Cups Unhealthy?

Unhealthy? - italian espresso cups

sometimes with a gel of espresso? I drink coffee in my work, not to fall on them, maybe once every few weeks, I'll make one for me. I have now skimmed milk, a cup of ice, 2 pumps of chocolate syrup, 1 pump caramel (caramel plans italina soda Italian general) and a cup of coffee. omg, they will gain to 10 pounds?


vaughn s said...

While much of this and if you gain a little weight .... especially in the stomach .. try to keep the consumption of a few weeks ... May has not tried to substitute a protein shake in the morning or at any time that is very good and tastes much better than all that sugar and sweets!

Lisa said...

Oh, yes. Have a drink once every few weeks, ten-pound package. Right.

Lorielle C said...

If sound is not a newspaper, it should go. But every body is made of an eye on them otherwise. and if it becomes a problem, but you still want to drink, they only increase the excersise. but should be no reason for concern

Lorielle C said...

If sound is not a newspaper, it should go. But every body is made of an eye on them otherwise. and if it becomes a problem, but you still want to drink, they only increase the excersise. but should be no reason for concern

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